What do we do?
Thermoplastic striping
Thermoplastic striping, or just “thermo”, is our most specialized service offering. We are pros at crosswalks, turn lanes, intersections, stop bars, and anything that is high traffic and required to have a thermo application rather than standard traffic paint. Very few contractors understand how to make thermo look great!
Lot markings
Are you looking to spruce up your parking lot? Have your parking spaces faded out, leaving the lot looking old and worn out? Are your ADA spaces no longer in place? Standard lot markings are a specialty of Job One and have been for over 30 years. Nothing can make a lot look better than a fresh coat of line stripes!
Asphalt and concrete repair
Our crews have tons of experience fixing cracked curbs, filling potholes, and removing and replacing sidewalk panels. We have a truck that is dedicated to filling those small potholes as well as utility trenches, water taps, or any other temporary or permanent asphalt solution. We love even the smallest of jobs for our customers!
Sealcoating and crackfill
The original start into this specialty construction business was through sealcoating and crackfilling. Our crews have sealcoated tens of millions of square feet of asphalt pavement, and have crackfilled hundreds of thousands of linear feet of cracks.
Specialty coatings
Do you have a warehouse in need of new safety striping to protect your employees? Are you looking for a new epoxy floor covering? Does a parking deck need a new waterproofing sealant? Job One has ample experience providing